Conclusions of the Increasing Mobility between V4 States series of conferences

The V4 countries school, NGO and SME sector represented by representatives convened firstly in Wroclaw between 04-06 October 2019, then in Szeged between 11-13 October 2019 on the occasion of the Increasing Mobility between V4 States conferences organised by Csermely Association funded by the International Visegrad Fund (IVF). Knowing that professional organisations from V4 countries implementing many projects in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA1 by year by year it was time to deepen the existing cooperation and create new ones in order to strengthen and increase the mobilities between the V4 states by using EU funds.

The participating organisations are committed to:

Involving more partners from V4 states in their projects. Visegrad countries has a tremendous potential which is not utilized. By encouraging decision makers – in schools and educational centers the participating organisations might host between 200 – 800 students in all V4 states in 2020.

Supporting joint platforms for sharing ideas and good practices. Knowing that the successful implementation of Vocational Education projects depends on the ability to cooperate and share tools and good practices of vocational projects.

Supporting improvements in the management of organisations above their national reach at international level through an enhancement of cooperation between all stakeholders and promoting innovative solutions relating good management practices.

Supporting joint networking and educational activities to link companies, non- governmental organisations and schools in Visegrad Four countries.

Organisations below involved also in the series are ready to cooperate within the Visegrad countries

Czechia – Genesis –

Genesis is a non-profit non-governmental organization working with young people, children, volunteers, people with disabilities and fewer opportunities and organize various activities and events and active and becoming more and more active in the VET field. They also organize various activities to enhance leadership and managerial skills among young people trying to raise their employability. They organize work camps, outdoor activities and different seminars for youth and children. The applicant has been cooperating successfully with Genesis for more than 2 years by being part of projects financed by Erasmus+.

Hungary – Csermely Association –

Csermely Association in strong collaboration with the MeOut Association started to work in the VET field two years ago, so far they hosted more than 200 students in different parts of Hungary including Budapest and Szeged. Huge variety of professions are available in their portfolio and ready to solve any issues without a problem.

Poland – Move and Develop Foundation (MODE) –

The Move and Develop Foundation is an organization based in Wrocław, Poland that is focused on fostering mobility and education among young people and adults, with special focus on the preparation of the beneficiaries for the challenges of the labour market. The organisation’s workers have developed a vast network of cooperation with various stakeholders at local, regional, national and international levels. By working with over 30 schools in 4 regions of Poland, the organisation has an almost untapped source of young people who are eager to participate in various forms of non-formal education, including disabled and disadvantaged youngsters. This allows to conduct extensive recruitment of participants that can find educational opportunities matching their needs and interests.

Slovakia – Mládez za Údolie Bodvy –

The organisation is active in the local youth life. The organization organizes quiz nights and events for youth and students. Their aim is to broaden the horizons of the local and regional youth by creating the opportunity to take part in different projects. The organization has proven that it serves the society and opened up to working with schools and hosting places a year and half ago.

Szeged, 13.10.2019.

The conclusion is available on all V4 language on the following link.

Környezetvédelem, természetvédelem

Az egyesület által végzett környezetvédelmi és természetvédelmi tevékenységek és intézkedések összessége segíti a környezet veszélyeztetésének, károsításának, szennyezésének megelőzésének, a kialakult károk megszüntetésének és az eredeti állapot helyreállításának véghezvitelét. Környezetvédelmi szempontból környezetnek az embert körülvevő élő és élettelen tényezők összességét nevezzük. Természetvédelmi tevékenységünk legfőképp a védett természeti értékek megóvása, gyakorlására felé irányul, illetve a természeti rendszerek egészének megóvására, lehetséges gyarapítására is célunk.

Adó 1 százalék

Környezetvédelmi tevékenységeinkbe tartozik a föld (talaj, kőzetek és ásványok, barlangok, a domborzat) védelme, a vizek (felszíni vizek és felszín alatti vizek) védelme, a levegő védelme, az élővilág (növényi, állati, mikroorganizmusok) védelme, a táj védelme, a települési környezet (lakóterületek, mezőgazdasági területek, ipari területek) védelme, a talajvédelem, a vízminőség védelme, a zajártalmak, sugárzás, hulladékkezelés mikro és makro szinten.

Egyesületünk környezetvédelmi feladatait aktív és passzív formában is végzi legfőképp azért, hogy az ember által okozott, vagy okozandó kár minimalizálását véghezvigyük, a természetes és mesterséges (épített) környezet, azaz az ember és annak szűkebb – tágabb környezete érdekében.adóbevalláskor 1 százalék felajánlás, környezetvédelem természetvédelem, madárkórház
Egyesületek alapítványok támogatása,
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